Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccination
As part of winter preparations, the NHS will be vaccinating pregnant women and older adults, including those turning 75.
We will be sending you a text message with a self book link included, so you can book your own appointment at the surgery.
There is no need to contact the practice to book. WE will contact YOU when the vaccine is available and when we have clinics on to deliver this.
The vaccine helps reduce the risk of RSV causing serious problems such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis.
- Everyone turning 75 years old on or after the 1 September 2024 will be offered a single dose of RSV vaccine. This is because older adults are more at risk of serious complications from RSV. You can still get the vaccine up to the day before you turn 80.
- Pregnant ladies - 28 weeks +
What is RSV?
RSV is an infectious disease of the airways and lungs. RSV infection often causes symptoms similar to a cold, including:
- cough
- sore throat
- sneezing
- a runny or blocked nose
It can also make you become wheezy or short of breath and lead to pneumonia and other life-threatening conditions. There is no specific treatment, and most infections will get better by themselves. Every year thousands of older adults need hospital care for RSV, and some of them will die. RSV can be more severe in people with medical conditions such as heart or lung disease or a weakened immune system.
RSV infection is common in young children but is most serious for small babies and for older people.
Having the vaccine during pregnancy is the best way to protect a baby from getting seriously ill with RSV, as the vaccine boosts the mother’s immune system to produce more antibodies against the virus to help protect the baby from the day they are born.
Having RSV vaccine with other vaccines
Shingles and pneumococcal vaccines
You may be offered your shingles or pneumococcal vaccine at the same time as the RSV vaccine, it is safe to do so and reduces the number of appointments you will need to get protected from these diseases.
Flu and COVID-19 vaccines
RSV isn’t normally arranged to be given at the same appointment as your COVID-19 or flu vaccines.
In certain clinical circumstances, your doctor or nurse can safely offer them at the same time.
Whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine
The whooping cough vaccine is usually given earlier in pregnancy. Around the time of the mid pregnancy scan, usually 20 weeks.
Flu vaccine
Flu vaccine can be given at any stage of pregnancy. You should have it as soon as it becomes available to you.
When you are called up for your RSV vaccine, if you have not yet had your whooping cough or flu vaccines, then you should have them at the same time.
More information about RSV
NHS - Respiratory Syncytial Virus more information