Pharmacy First Service 2024

Pharmacies can now help you with 7 common conditions without the need of a GP appointment.

They can give advice and prescribe an NHS prescription if clinically appropriate.

More than 10,000 pharmacies who have registered to deliver the service to date.

Along with expansions to the pharmacy blood pressure checking and contraception services, the Pharmacy First advanced service is in place to save up to 10 million general practice team appointments a year.

Furthermore, the service intends to help patients access quicker and more convenient care, including the supply of appropriate medicines for minor illness.

The seven conditions of the clinical pathway with age range are:

Clinical pathway Age range
Acute Otitis Media* 1 to 17 years
Impetigo 1 year and over
Infected insect bites 1 year and over
Shingles 18 years and over
Sinusitis 12 years and over
Sore throat 5 years and over
Uncomplicated urinary Women 16-64 years
tract infections

News update

Protected Learning

Dear Patients,

All GP Practices in East Lancashire will be closed on Thursday the 8th of June from 1pm-6.30pm for Protected Learning Time. This enables practices to provide dedicated training to their staff and to discuss and plan ways that will allow them to improve services, meet demand and support the wellbeing of staff. For all life-threatening medical emergencies please call 999. If you feel your request is urgent and cannot wait until the following day provisions have been made for urgent triage, please call 111.

or all routine requests for results, appointments, prescriptions, and general queries we will be open as usual on Friday the 9th of June. Alternatively, please complete an online triage request and we will respond within 3 working days

Thank you